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ACSC Runs Reunification Drill

ACSC Runs Reunification Drill

Avon Schools students and staff are away enjoying fall break activities, but the Administration Center and Avon School Police Department were hubs of activity on Tuesday, October 10. Under the guidance of School Safety Coordinator Deb Swain-Bayless and Chief Sam Leahy, 70 volunteers gathered to run a reunification drill.

"This drill was a vital next step for us in what has been months of planning," says Swain-Bayless, who has been the catalyst of this large-scale effort. "We build our safety planning procedures based on proven best practices from state and federal agencies and making use of the incredible resources that organizations like the I Love You Guys Foundation provide to U.S. school corporations." Before her time at Avon Schools, Swain-Bayless served as School Safety Specialist for the Indiana Department of Education.

Participants in the drill included ACSC's Superintendent and Assistant Superintendent, two members of the Avon Board of School Trustees, multiple school Principals and Assistant Principals, several educators and school personnel, and staff from the Administration Center, Transportation, Food Services, IT, the Police Department. Joining ACSC employees were members of the Town of Avon Police Department, the Indiana State Police, the Hendricks County Sheriff's Department, the Washington Township Fire Department, the Hendricks County Health Department, and members of Avon United Methodist Church.

"People might wonder what reunification is all about," says Leahy. "If there was a situation at a school that would require us to evacuate the building — it could be weather-related or due to human error or a crime — we would need to reunite students with their parents and caregivers offsite. Having a well-drilled reunification process helps us manage that significant process safely and securely."

Swain-Bayless says, "We ran through the drill and then met to debrief. We took a lot of notes and gained so many helpful insights that will be invaluable as we continue to build our system. We'll continue to refine and drill on our system, ensuring we will be able to perform an actual reunification should that become necessary."

Student and staff safety is the top priority at Avon Schools. If you would like to learn more, visit the School Safety and Police Department websites.


  • Safety