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AHS Model UN: Debate. Advocate. Collaborate.

AHS Model UN: Debate. Advocate. Collaborate.

by Dr. Catherine Lewis

Avon High School’s Model UN club is experiencing a renaissance as more than 45 students have attended each meeting so far this school year.

Strong student leadership and outreach have created a buzz surrounding the club, and new members are already giving speeches and participating in caucuses to advocate for their positions. The debates are purpose driving as students advocate for positions that will improve lives around the world. Best of all, students are getting to know each other through impromptu collaborations around common interests or by engaging in lively debates with those holding differing opinions.

Juniors Macy Lingle and Fred Wittman are bringing their two years of experience attending conferences at Marian University, IU, and the University of Chicago to plan and lead club meetings.

Avon will host their first ever “scrimmage,” or one-day practice conference, on Saturday, October 5, when 104 students from Avon and six participating schools will come together as the Conference of the Crossroads to learn how the United Nations works by doing the work of delegates representing different countries. Hummus Republic, owned by the family of Avon graduates, will provide a discounted catered lunch.


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