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Avon Board Earns Exemplary Governance Award

Avon Board Earns Exemplary Governance Award

The Avon Board of School Trustees is one of only two Indiana school boards to earn the 2023 Exemplary Governance Award (EGA). This is the highest honor given by the Indiana School Boards Association (ISBA). This award recognizes their outstanding commitment to professional learning and student success.

The ISBA confers awards each calendar year to school boards across four levels of distinction: commendable, advanced, distinguished, and exemplary. 

According to ISBA, "For this prestigious distinction, the board must meet specific requirements that show evidence of a commitment to student achievement, continuous improvement, strategic planning, policy review, and accountability."

Board awards are based on points earned by each member for attending ISBA seminars, workshops, conferences, and other learning events, as well as the board’s completion of certain additional criteria, such as a retreat with an outside facilitator and goal setting to elevate student achievement outcomes.

Congratulations, Avon Board of School Trustees, for earning this honor and for representing our students, staff, and community so well!

2023 EGA Winners

  • Awards