Avon Rotary Speech Contest Participants & Results
by Pam Lyons
Seven Avon High School students, Michael Andrews, Santiago Jiminez, Chris Arceo, Andrew Onochie, Siena Lister, Malak Marzak, and Alisha Beg, competed in the Annual Avon Rotary Speech Contest on Tuesday, January 21. Students were required to prepare a five- to seven-minute memorized speech about one of the seven Rotary International areas of focus: Peace, Fighting Disease, Clean Water, Mothers & Children, Education, Environment, or Growing Local Economies.
Three Rotarians served as judges, and all agreed on the excellence of the talent. After the speakers were done and the judges conferred, the results were announced. Winning cash prizes were:
- 1st Place - Malak Marzak
- 2nd Place - Alisha Beg
- 3rd Place - Santiago Jiminez
Marzak, a junior, and Beg, a freshman, will represent Avon Rotary at the Rotary District 6560 competition at Anderson University on February 8.
Congratulations, students!
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