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Community Redistricting Committee Recap

Community Redistricting Committee Recap

The 2025 Redistricting Committee has been hard at work since late August. Their goal is to make school boundary and school start and end time recommendations to the Avon Board of School Trustees. Approximately 90 Avon parents/caregivers, employees, and administrators have invested multiple hours in what has been an energetic, collaborative process. 

If you would like to learn more about the Redistricting Committee's work and be among the first to see their recommendations, plan to attend a community redistricting presentation.

Date: Wednesday, October 9
Time: 6:30 pm
Location: Avon Professional Development Center at White Oak (map)

Can't make it in person? That's OK. We will livestream the event on our YouTube channel so you can watch live or view the recording in the following days.

Redistricting Webpage


  • Growth
  • Redistricting 2025