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Maple's Author Visit

Maple's Author Visit

Maple Elementary School students earned a visit from one of their favorite authors and illustrators, Indiana resident Troy Cummings. Not only did they get to hear a presentation from Mr. Cummings about his three rules for writing — they're super-secret, but Maple students know them — but they also got to visit with him and talk about their writing and illustrating skills while he signed copies of his books for them to take home. 

According to Assistant Principal Melissa McCollum, students earned the visit by doing such a good job during second quarter of focusing on positive character traits: being respectful, being safe, being responsible, and showing patience. The visit was planned by Maple's PBIS/Tier 1 Behavior Committee.

Congratulations, students, and thank you for visiting, Mr. Cummings.


  • Academics
  • Awards
  • Literacy
  • Maple
  • Students