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Meet Avon's 'Outdoorsy-est' New Employee

Meet Avon's 'Outdoorsy-est' New Employee

The Avon Outdoor Learning Center has been referred to as a hidden gem. That gem has a new leader, Jeremy Maxwell, our outdoorsy-est new employee. You'll enjoy meeting Jeremy in person. If you haven't done so already, allow us to introduce you. We conducted the following interview via email.

Hometown: Muncie, Indiana.

Education: B.A. in American History, Undergrad certificate in Museum Studies

Family: Married to Brianna Maxwell for 8 years; I also have a 3-year-old dog named Mando

Hobby/ies: Hiking, studying insects, birding, reading, drumming, cooking

If you could travel anywhere, where would you go?
Germany. My grandmother was from Stuttgart in southern Germany, and I would love to visit her home country.

What has been your favorite outdoor adventure?
My favorite outdoor adventure was going to Muscatatuck National Wildlife Refuge to watch the migration of the Sandhill Cranes for the first time. There are tens of thousands of them that migrate through Indiana each year, and I absolutely love going to watch them.

What outdoor adventure do you want to have?
I would love to visit Alaska during the salmon spawning season and watch the grizzly bears.

Where did your love for the outdoors come from?
Throughout my childhood my parents always took our family camping and hiking. My mother and I are always calling and texting each other to talk about which birds or bugs we’ve seen recently.

What's your favorite thing about the OLC?
The OLC is an invaluable resource for the students at ACSC. It’s incredible for them to have the opportunity to apply concepts that they learn in class to a real-world situation. Extending learning outside of the classroom is such an exciting prospect.

What do you hope to accomplish through your work at the OLC?

I want to inspire curiosity about the natural world in the students at ACSC. Our planet is full of incredible living and non-living things, and it’s very important that we appreciate and respect them. If we can inspire our students to be responsible stewards of our plant, then we can change the future.

Welcome to Avon, Mr. Maxwell!

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  • OLC