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Practicing to Keep Schools Safe

Practicing to Keep Schools Safe

ACSC's School Safety Coordinator Deb Swain-Bayless — along with support from the Avon School Police Department — is taking the lead not only in keeping Avon Schools safe but also in coordinating with neighboring school district leaders and county first responder agencies to increase school safety across Hendricks County.

Deb believes that practice makes perfect.

Under her leadership, Avon Schools coordinated a reunification drill this week. It was attended by Avon employees, representatives from local agencies, and personnel from Brownsburg, Mill Creek, and Plainfield school corporations.

This drill was the second large-scale reunification drill that Deb has conducted in the past year, and she uses these drills to learn important lessons that help her improve the process. These lessons will prove to be vital if it is ever necessary to run an actual reunification.

What is reunification? It is a process that would enable our schools to safely, efficiently, and accurately reunite students with their parents/caregivers in an offsite location. Deb has worked with school administrators to adopt a proven reunification system and adapt it to meet the needs of our school corporation and coordinating with neighboring school systems and local first-responder agencies is a critical component of making reunification successful.

We are grateful for our partners in our neighboring school corporations and in the Hendricks County first-responder community.

If you'd like to learn more about school safety in Avon Schools, visit our School Safety webpage.


  • Safety