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Sycamore 2nd Grade Students Paint the Town

Sycamore 2nd Grade Students Paint the Town

by Katie Bonilla, Sycamore Art Teacher

My 2nd grade students brainstormed a list of things that they were excited to do now that its getting warmer. Avon's parks were a common theme so we did a mural series about them. Students sketched ideas and we decided on three - Murphy, Town Hall Park, and the Haunted Bridge. I blew them up and chopped them into pieces so that every one of my 100+ 2nd grade students got to participate. The murals are now on display at Town Hall and some students went to help me hang them.

Well done, students! Thank you for using your talents to help beautify our town.


  • Arts
  • Community
  • Students
  • Sycamore