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Police Department

ACSC Police Dept.

Avon School Resource Officers

chief leahy

Sam Leahy

Chief of Police

Lieut. Richard Craig

Lt. Richard Craig

 Field Supervisor
AIS East, AIS West, White Oak

Adam Logan

Sgt. Adam Logan

AHS Supervisor

Officer Harris

Eric Harris


Officer Holding

Ashlan Holding


Officer Scott-Spencer

Tre Scott-Spencer

AMS North, Maple, River Birch, Sycamore

Officer Sheroan

James Sheroan

AMS South, Cedar, Hickory, Pine Tree, Avon Academy 

Recent School Safety Updates

children in snow

From time to time, winter weather may cause us to call for a delay, early dismissal, e-learning day, or even a closure. Here's how and when we make these important decisions and notify you.

Deb and Board Members

School Safety Specialist Deb Swain-Bayless is the 2024 Indiana School Safety Leader of the Year in recognition of her invaluable contributions to school safety in Avon and across the Hoosier state.

school safety training

Avon Schools is taking the lead not only in keeping our schools safe but also in coordinating with neighboring school district leaders and county first responder agencies to increase school safety across Hendricks County.

leahy and scott-spencer

Chief Sam Leahy and several district leaders and members of the Avon Schools PD and Safety teams gathered to witness the swearing in of Avon School Police Department's newest Officer, Tre Scott-Spencer.

solar eclipse

Avon will experience totality during the total solar eclipse on April 8. It's exciting to be in the path of such a rare event. Let's plan together so we can all enjoy it safely.


Avon Schools students and staff are away enjoying fall break activities, but the Administration Center and Avon School Police Department were hubs of activity on Tuesday, October 10.

If you are experiencing an emergency, please call 911.

Sam Leahy
Chief of Police

Deb Swain-Bayless
School Safety Coordinator

Lindsey Austin
Administrative Assistant
p: (317) 544-6031

mental wellness info and support
bullying safety button